Mrs. Miri Levin
Mrs Levin, a native of Eretz Yisrael, believes that a comprehensive knowledge in Hebrew dikduk and vocabulary can do wonders to a student’s ability to acquire knowledge in all areas of Torah, understanding the commentaries, as well as davening with kavanah.
With 13 years as a Judaic and Hebrew Language teacher, Mrs Levin has deep experience in providing her students with a better understanding of Hebrew. She also provides them with essential conversational Hebrew skills.
In addition to teaching at CGHS, Mrs Levin is the Chair of the department of Hebrew language at Beth Tfiloh Middle School and is a Hebrew Instructor at Towson University. She has a Bachelors in Bible and Judaic studies from Beis Rivkah Seminary and Michlala Yerushalayim and she is currently learning towards a Masters in Jewish education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.